Salt mix choices


Is it okay to skimp on salt mix for a FOWLR tank? I have a bucket of Tropic Marin Pro Reef, but I'd rather save it for reef tank use and use something more economical for my new 220g. (keep in mind the size of that beast and how much salt I'll need!!)
I'm thinking of using Instant Ocean or similar. What do you use, and what are your thoughts on IO?


Thanks. I just wanted to be sure that IO wasn't "junk." I've only researched reef related ANYTHING for the last 6 months, so I'm not familiar with FO/FOWLR setups and procedures yet!!


Active Member
Originally Posted by forddna
Thanks. I just wanted to be sure that IO wasn't "junk." I've only researched reef related ANYTHING for the last 6 months, so I'm not familiar with FO/FOWLR setups and procedures yet!!

Shoot you should have seen the salt I used to put into my tank.
And had a beautiful fowlr setup.


Active Member
I use IO in my fish only, and I really like it plus you can always find it on sale. I use reef crystals in my reef. It is sometimes a pain having and buying 2 different kinds of salt, but it does save money. I buy my salt in the 5 gallon buckets now, it's the only way to go.


Initial setup is really cloudy with IO (at least it was for me). Took about 2 days to clear up.


Next question. How long can saltwater sit stagnant? I am going to need to make 200 gallons of ro/di water, but I only have one large Brute can. I was thinking of doing this:
Make up 40 gallons of ro/di and add salt, with heater and powerheads. Get salinity right, and then fill several 5g jugs and begin making my next batch of ro water.
Is that okay? The jugs might have to sit a few days with no movement or heat.


Active Member
you should be fine with it sitting, If you are starting the tank from scratch you could just add you salt to the 5 gallon jugs, and add your water. this would save you the trouble of trying to get the salt right in the large can before putting it in the jugs. 2.5 cups of IO per jug should put you where you need to be for a fowlr


and if they have pails like reef crystals they are awsome and the salt is ok to