salt mix


New Member
I have nautilus marine salt mix that has sat around for over a year. it has hardend a little like a rock. is there an expiration to salt mix and is this brand a good brand for my FOWLR tank. How much salt do you mix with 5gal of water to bring it up to 1.025 for water change. any thoughts. thanks


It is 2 and 1/2 cups of salt per 5 gallons. Also agree with acrylic throw it out and buy some new salt.


Salt is the heart of your tank, not to mention fairly cheap to buy I wouldn't tempt it never know. Just trash it and buy you some new salt


When mixing ANY salt of ANY brand, always let it mix for 24-48 hrs. Test the water! This is very important. Don't assume that any measurement is the correct ammount. ALWAYS test your replacement water to be certain it matches your tank water. I used to use instant ocean and it hardened like a rock in the bucket with the top firmly on. I had to scrape the heck out of it to get the loose salt to add to my mix water. If it was sealed in a bucket then I see no problems with using it.
I got a bucket of IO several years ago that apparently got some moisture in it prior to my getting it. Being very Scottish, I tried to use it. Dumb move on my part - not the first time, and likely not the last. It is probably totally unrelated, but that is when I switched to -- and have had nothing but good luck so far.
Save yourself a lot of grief, get some fresh salt and take it as a learning experience.