I am currently using Instant Ocean salt but, sometimes Coralife is on sale pretty cheap. Would it be o.k. if I sometimes mixed my salts? If not, can you please tell me why so I will know for educational purposes?Also, what salt is better, Instant Ocean or Coralife?
Thank you, Leo
As far as which salt is better, there are tons of differing opinions. There are also tons of studies out there breaking down each of the salt mixtures and what is in them, trace elements, calcium, phosphates etc. Most people I know just find one they like and stick with it. There are also people who change to whatever is on sale, and have no problems. I use IO and buy it in the 200g buckets. I think the main issue is phosphate content. Phosphate = algae. You have mentioned two popular brands, I would not worry about using them both. Just use one until you run out, then make the switch. Anyone else feel free to chastise me.
There isn't a problem with mixing the salt brands, but I buy Red Sea because it reads ZERO phosphates using my test kit, whereas IO, Coralife and Kent all test + for phates.
thats where your wrong beth, no offense or anything like that, but kent doesen't and has never tested for phosphates in my tanks, thats why o don't use io,coralife or red sea, kent aslo has superior buffering capabilities over the other brands
I use IO and have never had it test positive for phosphates. If it did, I would go the the water as a source and not the salt. Has anyone else ever had IO test for phosphates?