Salt switching


I want to change from Instant Ocean to either Reef crystals or Red sea coral pro. I have heard of tanks crashing after switcing salts. Will I be okay to switch to one of these salts. Thanks in advance.



Originally Posted by Life~Reefer
I want to change from Instant Ocean to either Reef crystals or Red sea coral pro. I have heard of tanks crashing after switcing salts. Will I be okay to switch to one of these salts. Thanks in advance.
I did just what you are doing with no problems and have even switched salt when I ran out and my LFS only had another brand. You can try a 50/50 mix if you are worried.
I think the crashes probably happened with a bad batch of salt or something else. Make sure you test your new stuff before adding cause what I do know if different salts require different amounts of water to get to the same salinity.
I have noticed that the 160g buckets of reef crystals and the NEW 200g boxes of reef crystals mix differently and thus must be different concentrations of mix.