Salt & Temperature


I have heard and read many different opinions on what the salt and temperature level should be at. I currently keep my tank at 77F and salt at 1.020. I would like to get an idea on what other people are doing.
This will be a fish and invert tank with no corals.


Active Member
Temp 78-82
Specific gravity 1.025-1.026 (due to inverts - current specific gravity is too low for inverts but OK for fish only)


Not sure on the temp, but I keep mine around 77. Salt should be at least 1.023. Keep it higher (1.025) if you have inverts.


New Member
180dude - I am new to this but I keep my 29 gal between 78- 80 degrees with specific gravity between 1.025 and 1.026. Don't know how good that is but its what I've been told to do by several folks at my LFS. :notsure:
I have 2 clowns with a cleaner shrimp and some snails, LR and LS right now. Will be getting a feather duster or two and 1 or 2 more fish. Not going the coral route, I don't think. That should be enough for a 29 gal.
Good Luck.