Salt type?


I used to use instant ocean in my fish only tank. We'd sell reef crystals to people who had reef tanks. i always read keep salinity in fish tank @ 23 in reef tank @ 19(add the zeros and decimal). i havent had a salt tank in years. Im setting up a 125 really really slow. Money is a factor so i want to do it right. Substrate is in. Next is lighting and salt. ive looked on some websites that say keep a reef tank @ 23(salinity). Is this correct? Also which would be a good salt to use so i dont have to keep adding things to the water(or do i need to add elements anyway?) my water comes out of a well which is pretty acidic; and not hard water. Where is the best place to buy salt? Im not sure if you can say a name but something that rhymes with it will do. Thanks


Active Member
reef tank salinity should be kept at .025-.026.
salt is debatable. i've used reef crystals and had luck with it for a long time, but i didn't like the amount of brown residue that was left in the mixing barrel, and it's low calcium level, so i switched to oceanic. oceanic is a little cheaper, and it's alot cleaner. it also has more calcium.
as for your water source, you should purchase a R.O.D.I. unit. it will remove most, if not all compounds.


Active Member
i keep mine at 1.023-1.025. i use reef crystal also. i get my salt online at this doctor site.


Active Member
I use Oceanic and I keep sps and lps.I had reef crystals but cal was low so I also switched


What do you consider as low calcium? I also use Reef Crystals and my calcium never test below 440,usually stays between 460-480.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Raven63630
What do you consider as low calcium? I also use Reef Crystals and my calcium never test below 440,usually stays between 460-480.
what test kit are you using? i got 370 from a salifert kit.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Raven63630
I am using an API test kit.

i used to get a reading of over 500 with api as well. i believe their calcium test to be way off. my sps has grown tremendously since i've changed salts.