Salt water fish store in toronto Canada


I would love to see a Saltwaterfish store in toronto ont. CA. its brought soo many people together on their sight, sold coral and live stock. But for me it sucks because I cant order anything from across the boarder from here. Some of the LFS here dont carry half the stock listed here. I litteraly have to go to a few places around the city just to get certan items. Sometimes you wouldnt belive the distances i have gone to pick up fish and corals. There are many of us marine aquarists here and we all share the same headach. Thats why i thougt it would be cool if we had a store here as well.


I live in Houston, Texas, and I used to work at a LFS here and remember very well, selling a Coral Beauty to a man from Toronto. He was on his way to the airport and the fish was his carry on item. I hope it lived.