Salt Water Tank Set Up


New Member
Im Starting A New Tank Up I Have A Few Quest. My Tank Will Have Lr Clown Fish Starfish Bannerfish And So On. It Is A 35 Gallon Tank. What Temp Should I Keep My Tank On?? What Should My Salt Level Be, Nitrates, Amonia And So Forth Be??? How Many Fish Can I Have In My Tank???


Temp 78-82
Nitrate 0-20
Nitite 0
Ammo 0
Salt .023-.025
Fish 4
All of this is IMO so if there is someone could tell her better tell her


Active Member
I'd say no on the banner fish.
The Heniochus Black and White Butterflyfish may reside in a 50 gallon or larger aquarium with other peaceful fish and others of the same species, if all were introduced into the tank at the same time. When swimming, the elongated white dorsal filament moves like a banner in the wind.
from another website:
Minimum Tank Size: 50 gallons
Care Level: Easy
Tank Conditions: 72-78°F; sg 1.020-1.025; pH 8.1-8.4; dKH 8-12
Max. Size In Aquarium: Up to 10"
Color Form: Black, Yellow, White
Temperament: Peaceful
Reef Compatible: No
Diet: Omnivore
Compatibility: View Chart
Origin: Fiji, Tahiti, Hawaii
Family: Chaetodontidae


Can I give you a piece of advice (or many pieces) ?
GO SLOW. VERY slow. This is a (painfully) slow hobby. Once you truly understand AND ACCEPT that you'll have a much higher success rate and more fun.
what do I mean by slow?...well first your tank must cycle. You should get live rock(unless you are doing a fish only then just get some hardy fish...damsels work),1-2 pounds per gallon, and let it sit. for like 6 weeks. YEAH SIX! crazy huh.. I've heard people say theirs cycles in 3 weeks...or even 1-2 with live rock but I don't buy it. This REALLY is (imo) that most important step. If you tank isn't totally cycled and super stable you will be fighting an uphill battle and you WILL -repeat W-I-L-L kill your livestock (trust me on this one). And, in the end, if you don't do this part right, you spend HUNDREDS of dollars and kill every fish and you'll figure out that you need to GO SLOW. (i SO wish someone would have told me this)
So your tank has cycled, now what do you do? Well I would recommend buying a cleanup crew, snails and hermits etc. let it cycle again. 6 more weeks.
isnt' this fun? sucks I know.
OH! and DON'T listen to local fish store people. they WILL NOT tell you to do this step (or few will) they want to sell you fish and will tell you it's okay to add fish when it's not.
SO NOW you're ready for fish. Buy ONE. yep. one. This fish should go in a quaratine tank (QT) , for guess what? 6 WEEKS (okay maybe 4) Actually, you probably could have your first fish in your QT while it's on it's 2nd cycle from the clean up crew and by the time your tank is ready your fish should be ready.
then repeat. Get ONE fish...cycle. and so on.
and one final note - besides reading everything you can get your hands on and all the moderators posts on this board BEFORE you spend a ton of money- seriously do a drip acclamation. Don't float. This site will tell you how to do that in the FAQs.
That's just my opinion. Ive killed more fish than I care to admit so I'm HARDLY an expert. good luck.


New Member
:happy: Thanks soo much for all the info... I have one more question.. With my 35 gallon tank what kind of fish should I buy that all get along for this tank?? :happy:


Active Member
Actually you have a lot of time before any fish go in there :) Buy some books, do some research, look at fish you like and what people are keeping in this size tank. There are many options so it is impossible to really give you a list of fish.
Also keep in mind that seastars have very special requirements and most will not be suitable for this tank size.


I bought these Turbo snails yesterday for my 60 gal tank that I am setting up. Well I am finding out there is nothing turbo about these snails they really have not moved for 24 hrs. Does anyone know if this is normal?


Active Member
Heres a suggestion for two great beginner book sthat have totally helped me A TON!!! so far
The Conscientious Marine Aquarist by: Robert M. Fenner
Salt water fish fish for dummies (i this may sound like a stupid suggetsion but it has helped me a ton!)


Active Member
Originally Posted by Mine?
I bought these Turbo snails yesterday for my 60 gal tank that I am setting up. Well I am finding out there is nothing turbo about these snails they really have not moved for 24 hrs. Does anyone know if this is normal?
It is best to start a thread on this for yourself. But snails require long acclimations and it is important that your specific gravity is 1.025-1.026 or so...definitely not down around 1.021, let's put it that way. How old is your tank? What are your specific water parameters?


I think that there are going to be ok...I just got home from work today and put them up against the glass they start moveing around. This is a 2 week old tank. gravity is 1.022.


Active Member
I hope it is a cycled tank? 2 weeks is very young to be adding anything other than LR, IMO. I hope water conditions are good! FWIW, the specific gravity is on the low side for invertebrates. Could spell trouble down the road.

shark bait

No way they don't move. I just found this out after a small alge outbreak. Also FYI i got some crabs and could not catch my humma, and said "F", and plop they went. Not one lived to see a week. Ahw well. But i cant belive my humma, 3" big took out 50 crabs in 3 days... damn you fishy.. I just got to laugh and say hasta to my $50.. So i did a Good gravel clean in their place. Oh what joy.
Originally Posted by Mine?
I bought these Turbo snails yesterday for my 60 gal tank that I am setting up. Well I am finding out there is nothing turbo about these snails they really have not moved for 24 hrs. Does anyone know if this is normal?

shark bait


Originally Posted by shark bait
No way they don't move. I just found this out after a small alge outbreak. Also FYI i got some crabs and could not catch my humma, and said "F", and plop they went. Not one lived to see a week. Ahw well. But i cant belive my humma, 3" big took out 50 crabs in 3 days... damn you fishy.. I just got to laugh and say hasta to my $50.. So i did a Good gravel clean in their place. Oh what joy.