salt water


New Member
ok i was at mt lfs and i saw they have salt water in a 4.4 gallon plastic already mixed..and you can use it to start a new tank and add any fish to it right away and it would be cycled already mixing salt in water at home for water changes any more..has any one tryed it or knows about this???? let me know i tryed it and it helped me with my cacium,,a problem i always had and this fixed it right away...


Active Member
If er willing to pound out the bucks $$$$ for that water, go right ahead. Once yer cycled, ya casnt go wrong with the real thing. How do u think fish survive out there? They cycle their environment? That's the stuff that they live in, so I'm close to possitive that it SHOULD work, even help you out some. Ya know how much it is, cuz I want some too.


New Member
my tank was cycled the real way..with 4 weeks and live rocks and live sand...not this water.....but it says you dont need the cycle with this water...what i like about it is the water change..i dont have to mix any more for water has it all mixed in cost 14 bucks for 4.4 gallons....


New Member
14 bucks for 4 gallons of saltwater is high. My LFS sales saltwater for $1.00 a gallon. You can buy RO water too...