

Is there any salt that is the best to use, I've had a bad experience with a bad batch of instant ocean and was just wondering if there was another brand that was better?


Active Member
Originally Posted by christiiiii
Is there any salt that is the best to use, I've had a bad experience with a bad batch of instant ocean and was just wondering if there was another brand that was better?
tropic marine pro is the best out there imo


Active Member
alot of people like tropic marin because they hardly ever have any bad batches, but i have always used instant ocean with no problems. But i always test my water before i put it into my aquarium or the peoples i service i suggest u do the same thing.


Active Member
Well.........I got my Tropic Marin salt the other day. I have one 10 gallon box and one 150 gallon box. Used the 10 gallon box for my QT and it was very cloudy. Thought I had to just give it time, I added a PH and then after sticking the sponge filter in it finally cleared. BUT the minute I would touch my filter sponge it would be cloudy again. I had to dump my entire QT out. Tested another batch (this time in a 5 gallon bucket) and it came out clear, but was from my 150 gallon box. So I'm thinking the 10 gallon box was a bad batch. Lesson learned: no matter what salt you use, mix in a seperate container so if you have this problem you are just dumping the bucket and not your tank.


Active Member
This is a pretty popular subject on this board. Anyone (mod?) willing to create an official salt thread? There are so many salts and yet I've never seen them all compared pros and cons. There's Kent, IO, Reef Crystals, Oceanic, Red Sea, Coralife, Tropic Marin, and more that I can't recall. Some cost more, or require additives such as calcium. Some have more trace elements, and some are considered better for fish only aquariums or reef aquariums. It is very confusing.

mandarin w

I had a bad expirence with Coral life, I did a water change and had a presip episode. My KH shot up t0 15. I had never has a problem with instant Ocean.