

50/50 should be fine to start. Usually 50/50, 75/25 then 100% by third water change as long as parameters don't go crazy


Well-Known Member
Really depends on if your going from natural to synthetic sea salt mixes. I think those are both synthetic sea salts... so I would recommend the 50/50 blend and so on as BTLD suggested.
For those switching from natural to synthetic, I would recommend 75/25, 50/50, 25/75, 100%. Or maybe even draw it out to five or six water changes instead of four. The reason is that natural salt mixes have a certain ratio of elements in it that your bacterial populations and microfauna have adapted to. When you remove or add to any of the ratio when switching from natural to synthetic, your changing up those bacterial populations and microfauna ... a rise and fall of populations can cause major bio-swings which can negatively affect the tank or even can cause a crash, depending on how long the natural salt was used before the switch.