Saltwater Aquariums For Dummies


Active Member
I don't really like it all.
The Conscientious Marine Aquarist by Robert Fenner is leaps and bounds ahead of it in both clarity and accuracy.


I think the first page that I opened in that book said that every tank should have a cleaner wrasse... I never looked at it again, LOL.


Active Member
The book itself is easy to understand, yes. But it leaves so many gaps in what it presents that it will leave you really wondering what you need, what kind of critters, etc. You'll wind up buying something else. Go with Lion Crazz's suggestion. Fenner's book is the best place to start. Branch out from there.
By the way, I started with the Dummies I have a library of others. The Fenner is still the best one for a quick and thorough reference.


OK, I opened it for you...
pg 148...
The cleaner wrasse is a popular fish in the marine aquarium and is well suited for the beginner. blah, blah blah...
and ends with,
"More than one cleaner can be kept in the same tank as well".
Not all books will have 100% accuracy, but since this was the first thing I read, and even as a new hobbiest, I knew better, so the book lacks merit IMO.


its good for a brief overview of a lot of topics. if you are completely new to sw, it might be a good read. i would also say that anything by Fenner would be much more informative however.