Saltwater At LFS Not Good


Hey everyone,
I work at a LFS. We have 8 20Gal's (I'm guessing) and 2 40L Gallon tanks that are Saltwater. These are obviouslly retail tanks so they are all connected. They all have Aragonite LS and some pieces of LR, not much at all though.
We have been getting sick of them because not too many of our employees take care of the tanks. We have been taking care of the tanks much more in the last 2 weeks though. Anyway, we have major problems with green hair algae and brown algae, and just bad water quality. We use the city water from our drain in the back, which, in my opinion, is causing this problem.
All the levels are fine EXCEPT Alkalinite and pH. Both of these are off the charts, way high. I requested using RO or Distilled water, but they will not pay the money for RO water.
We've had these tanks set up since January 2005. Do you guys think it's the city water that's causing this? Salinity levels are fine. I tested the city water and the alkalinity and pH was also way too high. I'd like to stay away from using chemicals right now, even though we have all the chemicals to fix this problem.
Do you guys think using RO water would make a world of difference? We lost alot of money in saltwater fish iever since...And i'm sick of seeing these fish die.


Active Member
What kind of salt do you guys use?
What's the calcium level? Cal, alk, and pH are all related.
And what brand of test kits did you use?


We use the Instant Ocean salt, I use the same stuff in my tank with the RO water and it's doing great. (First I used well water and everything was off the walls, then switched to RO and it made a world of difference)
The kit used was a Mardel 5-in-1 test strip for fresh/saltwater.


Active Member
Get good test kits and use RO/DI water......You would think a LFS would look at an RO/DI unit as a worthwhile investment.........


Active Member
If algea is the issue then you need to test the city water for, Ammonia, Nitrites, nitrates and phosphates, and silicates. Then you will see why you have algae problems.
high pH and alk will cause other issues, but not algae, as far as I know.
Get the city report on what is in the water.
Your boss will save money in the long run if he uses RO/DI, because he will not loose as many fish and if the tanks are crystal clear then he will sell more fish.