Saltwater goldfish


Is it posible to turn a regular goldfish so that he can live in salt water. I know this is a crazy question.


Hmmm....never thought of that really. I always wondered if I could make my beta survive in saltwater, but love him too much to try it.

the j.o.p.

i have a friend that lives in a neighborhood with a man made lake that drains into the marsh and eventually into atlantic. we always have blue crabs in the fresh water part.who knows it may work. you could start your own species. good luck!


Active Member
I seem to doubt it. I raise Koi and GF in mud ponds and there is a limit of salt which a GF or KOi can tolerate, and then its at a very short term. Its relatively low when compared to what a SW would be kept in even at the 1.020 level. NOw if it could very slowly be acclimated to a saltwater environment over a period of time its anyones guess but I sure do not see many folks experimenting to find out as there really is not any need. Mollys and such naturally over eons of time have migrated in and out of salt water andlive in brackish waters so its not a big surprise. There are a lot of FW catfish that will turn belly up with just a hint of salt in a tank, with a cory being very susceptible to salt induced deaths, just form folks adding common aquarium salts.


Active Member
Originally Posted by millerman
if they can not take the salt water through the gills im sure they can go to the top and take a breath.
More of a question of osmotic regulation...


The reason I was asking is because I have a gold fish in my office at work. I really don't like him because it's just a goldfish, (it was given to me). I have often had guppies
(feeder fish) live for days in my salt water tank, How come??? Since they always are eaten, Im not sure how long they will last. So The other day while I was looking at this poor neglected gold fish in my office I was wondering and thought I would ask you guys.


Active Member
Goldfish will die pretty quickly in saltwater. Guppies on the other hand, could live quite a long time in saltwater because, like mollies, can live in brackish water very well.


Active Member
no as with most fw and sw species they can not be introduced to another enviroment these fish are not physicly designed to handle enviroment black fin mollies on the other hand are found in nature in brackish waters as juveniles but as adults they do migrate to the open waters of full marine water thus giving them the advantage for either tank enviroment..
sort of like how sharks do not normally go into fw although the bull shark can survive any water enviroment it is the only species that can do it..scientist have figured out how though the bull shark urinates continuously while in fw this to protect its kidneys / liver from shutting down from lack of salt