Saltwater Ick

I have recently set up two saltwater tanks with live rocks.
I just noticed ick on my tangs. They are pretty covered with it.
I don't have a hospital tank. I would like to know how to get rid of it without taking the fish out of the tank. I would like to use a product that doesn't kill my live rock. Since I have at least 30 lbs of rock per tank.
I have snails and peppermint shrimp in the tank. I am running a UV Sterilizer on one of the tanks.
Please tell me what to get from the store, before I loose any of my fish.
I know last night I put in distilled water to replace the evaporated
water for the first time. Could it have come from that. I have been doing some water changes every week with tap water. With the added salt so the sality is right.
I am not showing ammonia or nitrites, only some nitrates. The fish seem to be o'k. All are eating good!
I am depressed. I love my saltwater fish!!
Please respond!!