saltwater kit? waste of money?


i want to buy the the Marineland Instant Ocean Saltwater Aquarium Kit and it cames with
12-Gallon Eclipse Aquarium
Eclipse Compact Fluorescent Lighting
Rite-Size Filter Cartridge: Size G
BIO-Wheel Biological Filter
Instant Ocean Sea Salt: 3 lbs., makes ten gallons
Instant Ocean Hydrometer
Visi-Therm Stealth Aquarium Heater: 50 watt
BIO-Coat Marine Water Conditioner: 1.3 fl. oz.
BIO-Blend Marine Fish Food: 2.5 oz.
SeaGarden Saltwater Series Plants: 2
Marine Aquarium Instruction Booklet and Eclipse Quick Set-Up Guide it right here
and i want to buy the Tideline Natural Coral Sand Pure Marine Substrate they say it does 100% calcium carbonate substrate for marine tanks. Provides a natural bed for your aquarium and increases buffering capacity. Minimal rinsing
ok so now this is my problems i want to put 2 clown fish in it .. mated.. i want to know if its going to work or if im wasteing my money i dont really have alota space for a 55g tank or 22g i know its harder but im put for it i jus want to know if it would work? thank you


i have an eclipse tank, and all i can say is that you'll definitely want better lighting, you won't be happy with it for long.....