Saltwater mixes???


If calcium requirements need to be around 450, why do salt mixes have such a low concentration. I could not figure out why my calcium dropped so I tested the salt mix and the reading was about 250. If I am to bring the levels up to 450, that sure seems alot of work to do before I can perform a water change. If these mixes are "specially" blended, I wonder what else is missing. Is there a salt mix that is more complete for the reef tank. I need to have the best salt mix, with the least amount of additives for my busy lifestyle. Does anyone have any recommendations....


Active Member
Tropic Marin is fantastic. Calcium is just right. If you want dangerously high calcium, then go Oceanic. If you want it to fluctuate wildly and unpredictably from one batch to the next, then definitely go Instant Ocean.


Active Member
Well its that way because calcium is not a big issue in a fish only tank. Calcium is a major concern in a reef tank where it gets utilized by corals producing salt with a lower than needed ocntent andor about a happy medium with calcium level is probaly a marketing call. it could eaily be made with a higher level, but then your apt to get fish only folks crying about it.


Active Member
The reg TM I was testing 1.025 and getting 350-370 CA and alk 9-11 dkh. I switched to pro-reef and got 440 ca but the alk was6-7 dkh. Now my tank is running way low about 6 dkh. I mixed the two and just tested today 420 CA and 8 dkh. That was a 50/50 mix.
So now the math begins......