Saltwater Mollies


Active Member
these are saltwater so this is ok to add here right?
well my saltwater mollies, two black ones, one fat one. i got it in the hopes of getting babies.
well this morning when i turned the lights on the fat one started to have a couple babies. i counted ten last time, 6 swimming near the top hiding at the protein skimmer part that comes in the water and another 4 on the ground still getting used to there new lives.
is 10 an average number for them? i know that a fishes first batch may not have as many babies, but it seemed like a small number. also will it keep the sperm of the male it was with and keep having babies for a while? wasn't sure if it was like guppies or not.
the babies are so flippen cute, they just look like tiny versions of the adults. i'll try to get pictures soon


Active Member

i like baby fish. you can always sell'em but it's always nice to get freebies hehe. i also like watching them grow and stuff.
she is still pretty fat but i havent seen any new babies for a couple hours. of course it's a 55g tank with tons of plants and rock so there could be many more hiding.


mollies can give birth up to 7 times after mating even without the male with her, i had a few mollies and they are prolific unless you have clown fish with them


Active Member
i have a yellow watchman goby..hope he doesn't eat the ones on the ground. i have noticed a few more at the bottom this morning. i'm sure now that the lights are on and they know it's morning they will have more. from what i've read before they usually have there babies in the mornings.


New Member
it depends on the size of the mother a large mollie can have up to 150 babies at one time ive raised mollies for many years as feeders since they can adapt to salt an fresh water