Saltwater problems



I'm just getting started on my new 55 gallon saltwater tank....i'm only @ day 2 and i am already running into it is: I mixed in my salt and there are particles on the bottom of the tank. I think they are salt deposits that just have not desolved yet....i have stired it around but they still go to the bottom....what do i do about it now?:confused: :confused: :(


Active Member
No problems yet.........just wait a little longer and the salt will disolve. Make sure that you keep up on your research and you should be on easy street. We are here to help. Good luck.
Welcome to the board.


New Member
It could well be undisovled salt - I wouldn't worry about it right now, you've got a long way to go before things will start to come together. Just make sure you have some circulation in the tank to help things disolve.


thank you, i've been reading some of the latest problems from other people and it looks like this stuff is a lot of work....about a month ago, i started looking into this but gave up when i didn't have any chance, i got this 55 gal and stand form a friend and now i'm all excited more question, is it ok to have live sand covering a layer of crushed coral sand substrate? or does it not really matter?


now i'm in big trouble!!!!:eek: I did use reef crystals synthetic sea salt...and i still have lines of it at the bottom...


If you have a powerhead, drop it in the tank and plug it in. That'll stir things up, get the water moving and such, if you have a heater, put that in too and set it to around 78-80 degrees. Salt dissolves easier in warmer water, although the difference in your case may not be much difference.


Active Member
I had this problem too when I first mixed my salt and water. Even after a few days I still had a few little things on the bottom. I just put my sand right over it.


Active Member
Could also be calcium carbonate that has fallen out of solution.
I thought I would be smart one time - and buffered the RO/DI water before mixing in the saltmix.
I didn't test the freshwater that I had buffered with alkalinity buffers. I shot from the hip and guessed how much buffer to add.
The newly mixed saltwater went cloudy - and this white flakey/chunky stuff was on the bottom of my mixing container.
New@this ~ Did you happen to use tapwater when you filled your tank, and did you notice that the saltwater was REAL cloudy ???


i did use tap water...and it was cloudy at first, now after the two days, it isn't but i also used some Chloro-Out stuff to purify the tap water...does that really help it or not, because i heard it both ways (helps and doesn't)


What is the specific gravity of the tank water as it is now? If it is undissolved salt in the bottom the only problem I see is that it will screw with your salinity for awhile until completely dissolved. If it is Calcium Carbonate precipitating out then there isn't much you can will go away over time. Adding a powerhead and the heater is the best you can do, and then check it after a day.


I agree that Instant Ocean is the way to go. I drop a maxi jet 404 power head into my 5 gallon mixing tank and I have not had an issue.
(I used the brand name, I figure if they are going to sue me for copyright infringement and saying that I like their product, then it's their loss :p )


i have had my 55 gal for almost a year now, and to this day, i still get those little white particles everytime i mix salt and do a water change..
in the beginning, i used to crush them with my fingers to make sure they dissolve, but now, i don't do that any more.. i just don't add the stuff at the bottom of the bucket to my tank..
i think it has to do with the characteristics of your water..
ps. i also use instant ocean salt..


Active Member
instant ocean or reef crystlas, botha re good, IMO
I owuld only use one of those 2
and as for copyright reasons, i don't know hwat laws you are thinking of, but believe me, if they read this thread and see all kinds of replies with their name saying USE IT, they will not evewn think about copyrights or any b s like htat, instead they think FREE publicity from a great souce. and in one of the best locations they can put their name


my SG is a little higher than it should be....about 1.028 / 9 ish but thats because i'm going to add my sand and rock in and the water level is not to the top yet....i plan on adding more water though. i want to know if it's okay to switch salts or start using a different one. even though i'm using reef crystals now should, should i switch over to Instant Ocean?


Reef Crystals and Instant Ocean are both manufactured by the same company. I personally think Reef Crystals isn't worth the extra cost, but thats only my opinion. Some folks seem to have better results with it, I personally have excellent results with Instant Ocean.