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is there a difference between a fresh and saltwater filter or isnt there?! are they the same, or no!?
As in a hang on the back filter? Nope, no difference.
Most of our salt water filtration is from the live rock we put into our tanks. So in essence i've seen people not even have a hob or canister filter. Most use a sump of sorts to add more volume to the tank water and to filter.
I myself have the 1lb for every gallon rule of live rock. Plus I have a canister filter to help in filtration along w/ picking up floating particles.. and help settle dust storms and such when moving stuff, adds about a gallon of volume for me also.
Make sure you tank is nice and cycled. Get some nice cured live rock, get some 'janitors' that will eat detrius (fish poo) Ie: Snails, Shrimp, etc. You should then be good to go.