sammy! Look at this!


dammit. that vb script is all over the net now. i musta seen that on 10 different sites and i still fall for it every time! :)


Active Member
How'd ya do that? I already know my house is, let's say occupied by more than me, the hubbie, and the baby, and that made me think---what is going on now! Got the link, if allowed here, so that I can get my friends too. or my email it's too good, I can't pass this up, I want to pass this on to my friends too.


Active Member
wrassecal, and draxx
try using Internet Explorer
i had the same prob,til i opened up IE
ps, not cool, i dont have 150 but a few more than most people.

melissa v.

put your curser over the smilie without clicking on it and right click your mouse, and save it to whatever folder you want it in, then you can send it to your friends, the file will be entitled usless
hope this helps
Melissa V.


can sumone tell me wat it does, all i get is, u just got owned by soc :p. is it one of those things that u look at and sumthin just pops up and scares u? ive got a lot of


Active Member
Thanks rye and melissa. I did what you suggested melissa and I did get it saved, but it wont work for emails....problem solved by the good old copy and paste from rye's link.
OT--I like that name melissa, it's mine too.....don't let the screen name fool ya (thats a whole different story), yes I am female. :D

melissa v.

Oh no two melissa's (please don't tell me you're a gemini too)
look out message board if you are. (i can't help but speak my mind) ha ha
Melissa V.