sample of a sump filter


New Member
I am about to start a marine tank, hopefully with corals and live rock if I can get hold of them in South Africa. I need advice on how to build a sump filter and protein skimmer, and what bacteria needs to grow in there and how to get them to start growing. I am really a novice and have spoken to many fish store owners and I get to many different stories. none of them seems to really know what the hell they are talking about. any advice will be graetly appreciated.


Active Member
WELCOME!!!:jumping: :jumping: :jumping:
I would first like to recommend a book: The Conscientious Marine Aquarist.
Well if you cannot get LR then you will need a wet/dry filter, do some internet searches on these. If you can get LR then you can set up a sump and refugium. The LR and LS will be your primary biological filtration. The sump is a place to hold your heaters and possible a refugium.
I will post a picture of my sump/refugium.
The skimmer is in the far left of the sump with the heater, then there are three baffles (to reduce microbubbles) then a return pump, and my refugium on the left (the refugium is fed off a T from the return pump).


Well-Known Member

Originally posted by ettienem
I am about to start a marine tank, hopefully with corals and live rock if I can get hold of them in South Africa. I need advice on how to build a sump filter and protein skimmer, and what bacteria needs to grow in there and how to get them to start growing. I am really a novice and have spoken to many fish store owners and I get to many different stories. none of them seems to really know what the hell they are talking about. any advice will be graetly appreciated.

Welcome to salt and this board.
the bacteria that grows in the filters and tanks is no problem. If you do nothing the bacteria will establish itself. LR/LS and the like just shorten that build up.
LR is not absolutely needed. Base rock can be used for decorations if your budget is tight.
Skimmers are also not absolutely needed. But most do use them.
It is not suprising the fish stores have different methods. Look at all the different methods on this board for instance.
My one main advice is to establish a thriving plant growth and then do the rest. plant life even the dreaded hair algae is what will make or break your system. So chose the plant life you desire, get that established and then do the rest. Marine plant life includes the various macro algaes, true marine plants as well as algaes such as corraline. Possibly south africa has some interesting saltwater plant life. You just might have the most unique tank on this board.
Finally chose you fish wisely if you are planning on corals later. Some fish (like my coral beauty) pick on the corals.
Again welcome to salt and this board.