Sand and Depth


75 gal kinda FOWLR/100 lb live rock/4-6 smaller fish or inverts/wet dry sump/protein skimmer/fuge-undecided
How deep should my sand be for this setup? Read about a cheaper sand, o9ld castle, maybe, that you could pick up at Home Depot. If I mix this with some live sand would that work? Should I stay away from the cheap stuff? How much live sand should I buy? Dont want to throw a way money but don't want headaches down the road either.


Active Member
Originally Posted by andy51632
75 gal kinda FOWLR/100 lb live rock/4-6 smaller fish or inverts/wet dry sump/protein skimmer/fuge-undecided
How deep should my sand be for this setup? Read about a cheaper sand, o9ld castle, maybe, that you could pick up at Home Depot. If I mix this with some live sand would that work? Should I stay away from the cheap stuff? How much live sand should I buy? Dont want to throw a way money but don't want headaches down the road either.

I would use Caribsea floor, i would stay away from Home Depot sand as I was unable to find a silicate free sand.


depends what your ultimate goal is.... there are many opinions for the ssb and dsb... its preference among many other things... you may want to search it..


Active Member
For a shallow sand bed, keep it under 2 inches deep. For a deep sand bed keep it over 4 inches deep.
Avoid 2-4 inches. That's too deep for a shallow bed to work and too shallow for a deep sand bed's benefits. This depth can lead to water quality issues.