Sand and oyster shell questions DIY sandbed??

I was wondering if any of you have experience in "alternative" sand. I have read that you can use Oyster shell, or building sand from home depot. Is this true does any one have experience with using these? trying to save monies in as many ways as possible Thanks in advance for your time.



Active Member
The big concern with play ground sand is that some of them have silicates in them and this is bad for aquariums in general. This would definitely be something to watch out for when you are looking through Home Depot or Lowes for your sand.

scopus tang

Active Member
+1 to the sand issue ^
I use crushed oyster shell (sold at feed stores, used as a supplement to chicken food) in my cichlid tanks to keep the pH high without having to buffer. Here are some of the basic issues I would think your going to face with this.
1. oyster shell is composed of calcium carbonate, and even the crushed stuff is fairly large ~ therefore, its going to work in you tank very similar to CC rock. If not properly maintained with regular vaccuming, it will accumulate debris and become a nitrate trap.
2. a lot of this stuff is light enough it will actually float around your tank (I had to bury it under gravel.
3. Because it is calcium carbonate, it is going to break down overtime (which does add calcium to your tank and will help you with keeping elevated calcium levels), but its going to break down faster than the CC gravel (cause its smaller pieces) and you will have to replenish it.
4. Also, because it is calcium carbonate, I would think that in a SW tank, it would cover fairly quickly with coralline (just as snail shells will), and the whole bottom of your tank will be purple ~ might be a cool look, but coralline is also a cemeting agent, which means it would be cementing the shell together, thus preventing sand dwellers (like microstars and nassarius snails) and water flow movement through the substrate.
Just a few of my thoughts.
If your looking to do it cheaper than buying live sand, go buy a bag of the dry aragonite sand and seed it with a small quantify of true live sand, it will become live.
its going to be for a really lrg tank ~500 gallons that being said i want to spend ideally .5-60cents on a 5-7inch sand bed its going to be pricey... anyone gone and gathered sand at the ocean? how far out do you have to go? i imagine this isnt a great idea... it looks like im up for a trip to jacksonville for the carib supplier


Active Member
The problem with collecting sand from the beaches is that the beach itself works like Mother Earth's natural protein skimmer. All of the scum that is in the water ends up being pushed up to the beaches, and gets collected by the bubbles at the shore line. I would think that how far you need to go out depends on where your location is. For instance, in Florida, anywhere north of Pompano Beach you would probably have to go out about 20 miles and get the sand from the ocean floor. Anything south of that is probably under five miles, and in the keys you could probably get away with a mile. In my opinion, I would go out about the same amount as you would if you were making a trip to go deep sea fishing.


Active Member
dry sand is cheaper then live sand, but still expensive at about 30 bucks for 40 lbs. google seaflor special grade reef sand and aragamax sand
They use to sell play sand at wal-mart that passed the vinegar test.
well i found a steal on carib live sand lfs will match pre-shipped sand prices @ ~.80 cents per lb ima go with half this and half of the silicate based sand pictures to follow

scopus tang

Active Member
Originally Posted by mgutierrezff
well i found a steal on carib live sand lfs will match pre-shipped sand prices @ ~.80 cents per lb ima go with half this and half of the silicate based sand pictures to follow

? why silicate based sand? silica is what can cause issues with diatom blooms.
and seen at least 5 tanks that have been done in the medium grade quikcrete
this is the product i will be using i believe it will be the botom layer