Sand and Trigger arent getting along......


New Member
My trigger fish is making a huge mess of all the sand in the tank and blowing it all of my rock, which by the way, JUST STARTED TO TURN PURPLE!!!!
I know that with the Huma Huma trigger this is a normal behavior but of the Bursa trigger as well?
Is there any way that my Trigger and the Sand can just get along and not make a big mess!!!
Is there a trigger that I could replace the Bursa with perhaps the clown trigger and NOT have this problem!!


Most triggers will do this, it's just their natural behavior. They sift through the sand to look for food and bite into the live rock to file their teeth. It's just something that goes along with triggers. Some do it more than others though. Like my Niger hardly ever does it.


My huma does it as well but not to that extent. The will re-arrange things to the way they want it no matter what.