Sand Bed Calculator


Active Member
Hey, I've just downloaded this very cool little program that allows you to choose from a list of standard tank sizes, or enter a custom footprint, and then enter the desired depth of your Sand Bed, and it will give you the amount, in pounds, that you need of SouthDown, CC, CaribSea, Aragamax Select, Fiji Pink, and Aruba Shell substrates to get the desired depth. So, if anyone needs to know how much sand to get for their tank for a certain depth, let me know what size tank, desired depth, and substrate type from above, and I'll let you know how much you need to get. My email is For example, the following amounts (Pounds of SD required) are for 4" SBs for the marked Tank Size. The items with 2 tank sizes mean they have the same footprint, so the same amount of sand is required to get the same SB depth, regardless of total tank capacity(g).
  • 20H - 64.3
  • 20L/29G - 80.4
  • 55G - 128.6
    72 Bow - 160.8
    75G/90G - 192.9
    125G - 289.4