sand bed cleaners?


Hi, all! I haven't posted in quite a while, but I'm still reading the posts when I can. This site is so awesome!
My 29g has been up for about 10 weeks now. My two ocellaris are such fun to watch. My daughters love the way they wiggle so much! I'm planning to add a neon goby soon. I also have two skunk cleaners, a few hermits, and 5 snails. I had 2 peppermints, but they disappeared a while back (I'm sticking to my "abducted by aliens" theory!).
I need to add to my cleaner crew and I wondered what would be good to clean my sand bed better. I 'm getting a peppermint or two to help with my "fuzzy" rocks. Anyone have any good ideas for the sand bed?
I'm still adding to my rock,etc. but I love having the tank up and running. Sometimes I look across the room and see my clowns swimming around, and I just can't believe that I have this little piece of "ocean" in my own (Indiana) home!


consider getting 10 Cerith Snail. They'll shift the sand and take care of diatom algea for you.


not a problem. I'm new to this SWF but i've done my research and still am. My 37g has been up and running for 2 months. I have 1 scooter blenny, 2 clown and rbta. My clean up crew consist of 2 turbo mexican snail, 10 cerith snail, 10 nassarius snail, 1 skunk, 1 fire and 1 peppermint shrimp, 2 red scarlet hermit. You should consider getting 10 cerith, 5 nassarius and 1 turbo mexican as they'll help eat up the algea on your glass and rock.


Active Member
Nassarius and Cerith would be the best some ppl have luck with the mexican turbos but most ppl's dont even bother with the sand. Also conches would be good or a bunch of hermits.