Sand Bed depth and Powerhead placement


Active Member
I just bought an Aquapod 24 gallon with 150w MH. I want to keep soft and lps corals, a bubble tip anemone, two percs, and a shrimp or two. I kept SWA before, but in a 55 and it has been awhile. In the past I've gone with the GARF setup with a plenum, but always had issues.
I'd like advice on what the appropriate sand bed depth and whether to use something like CaribSea Seafloor Special Grade and seed it with LS or just use straight LS.
I'd also like advice on what would be the recommended number, gph each, and configuration of powerheads.
Lastly I'd like advice on what to do with the back two chambers without getting out a rasor blade or drill, should I keep any of the stock stuff, anything that I should add?
Thanks in advance


I'd go with a cheaper dry sand for most of the bed and buy a couple pounds of aged live sand to seed it. I keep my sandbed around 3" and it has worked fairly well for me.
I took all the stuff out of the rear chambers and just added some rubble. I think if I were going to do it again I'd leave the rubble out and just leave in some carbon and purigen or chemipure. The rubble really cuts the flow and if I don't stay on the top offs the pump starts sucking air much quicker.
As for powerheads it all depends on what you're keeping. I'm using a single maxijet 1200 and it does the job for me. If you are keeping something that needs more flow then make sure it is getting it. As long as you don't have dead spots and your corals are happy your flow is right.


Active Member
I have a maxi-jet 1200 as well, but no matter where I put it it seems to blow everything around. Where do you have yours and what is it pointing at? Do you have any picks of your tank?