Active Member
I just bought an Aquapod 24 gallon with 150w MH. I want to keep soft and lps corals, a bubble tip anemone, two percs, and a shrimp or two. I kept SWA before, but in a 55 and it has been awhile. In the past I've gone with the GARF setup with a plenum, but always had issues.
I'd like advice on what the appropriate sand bed depth and whether to use something like CaribSea Seafloor Special Grade and seed it with LS or just use straight LS.
I'd also like advice on what would be the recommended number, gph each, and configuration of powerheads.
Lastly I'd like advice on what to do with the back two chambers without getting out a rasor blade or drill, should I keep any of the stock stuff, anything that I should add?
Thanks in advance
I'd like advice on what the appropriate sand bed depth and whether to use something like CaribSea Seafloor Special Grade and seed it with LS or just use straight LS.
I'd also like advice on what would be the recommended number, gph each, and configuration of powerheads.
Lastly I'd like advice on what to do with the back two chambers without getting out a rasor blade or drill, should I keep any of the stock stuff, anything that I should add?
Thanks in advance