Sand Bed question...


I have about 100lbs of LS, 105lbs of live rock, which gives a good 3-4 inch DSB. My question is: Between my sleeper goby and others, it is nearly impossible to keep the sandbed somewhat even, is it ok to have the bed have high and low spots? I can take care of the lttle area where the goby makes his mound, but it is nearly impossible to get behind and in between some of the rock. Honestly, i kind of like the sand all uneven, but is it ok to leave it like this?
Thanks! Paulytee :)


Staff member
You want the dsb to be moved around by gobies or other sand-dwellers. This is how the substrate stays clean and filtering properly. You don't want "dead spots" in the substrate. I'd leave the mounds, etc. created by the sand-sifting creatures alone.


Thanks Beth, I was hoping I could leave it.
I forgot to add this to the above post but my goby gets a little messy and sometimes dumps his sand on the LR, does this hinder the growth on the live rock?
Thanks again!


I agree with Beth. Leave the mounds. It also looks a little more natural. The sand won't hinder the growth. But you could use a turkey baster to gently blow the sand off of it. HTH--Bob