Sand Bed Question


I am setting up a 30 gal reef. water went in Sunday 30lbs. of LR last night. I have been reading the benefits of 4" LS beds. My lfs said not to do one because they only cause problems. Recommended 1" of sand in front of rocks only. He said you can not clean the "deep" sand beds as it will release toxins into the tank. Should I listen to him or go ahead with the "deep" LS bed as I had planned?
Thanks Erik


hmm, i always thought more bacteria was better... hmm... <img src="graemlins//yeahright.gif" border="0" alt="[yeahright]" />


The guy at the lfs sounds like an old school 'berlin method' guy. They used to not even use substrate. Times have changed.
Go with the dsb or a jaubert plenum setup. Nearly everyone here does dsb.
You can groom it periodically by using chop stick or something, but you really should get a good 'clean up crew' too.
You may be able to hit spots with a very tall siphon/vacuum, but I never did this.
Go with your first thought.


Don't listen to him. In a properly functioning DSB you will have no need to clean it and even if it is disturbed it will not realease toxin's. Look at how many reefs have massive coral growth and use 4+ inch DSB's.
I wonder how big the oceans DSB is <img src="graemlins//silly.gif" border="0" alt="[silly]" />


What your LFS may be concerned about is if you make a plenum. A plenum is like a DSB, but instead of 4-5 inches of sand, it is a air space created by using a screen, and then sand on top of that. this can cause major damage to your tank by releasing toxins if it fails. If done properly, this is fine. I know there are some people here that do plenums.
A DSB uses anerobic bacteria to break down the ammonia to nitrites, the nitrites to nitrates, then the nitates to nitrogen gas. so if you were to stir up your sand bed, that would be bad. but under normal circumstances, it is fine.
ONly putting in 2 inches of sand if fine, but this does not provide any filtration.