sand beds?


Just would like to know the pros and cons of setting up a deep sand bed or not. Also let me know around how much i would need, and if live sand is worth the price or not.


I'd rather set up a tank with bb, starboard or an inch of crushed coral or shallow sand bed only in visible areas (for aesthetic purposes only) and vacuum cc/ssb on a weekly basis during a water change then after a few months change out the entire bed for new.
Sorry all you dsb people but I hate them. Nutrient sinks! IMO


Active Member
Lots of talk about these lately for certain. I run a dsb and love it, full of life and after a few years no signs of any trouble at all in the way of ate, ites, nh3, etc. I personally think they add a great dimension to the tank in contrast to the bare bottom tanks. CC is clearly not preferred as i can lead to nitrate problems. You need a dsb of 3-5 inches. I use 4 personally.
Dont get the ls at the store its a waste of money but do get a cup to seed ur bed from a bud, or if the lfs has a ls tank then go for it. You dont need the bacteria (will grow on its own) but u do want the critters. You can also get a det. kit which will cover ur needs.
done correctly can be an excellent filter to keep water under control and add biodiversity to your tank. no mantainece at all (shouldn't be disturbed.
not cheap unless u can get southdown playsand. Using CC can cause it to create nitrates (if your going to do it, do it right the first time and get the argonite).


sorry for another stupid rookie question, but why is getting LS at an LFS (or off a web site) a waste of money?
p.s. sorry, not trying to steal the thread... :joy:


The bagged live sand only has bacteria. If you use dry sand it will grow the bacteria as the tank cycles. The reason you should add live sand from an established tank is to add worms, pods and other critters.
I vote for dsb. I just like having all of those critters in my display.


Is not really a waste. If you are setting up a new tank and want it to cicle faster then you pay extra for the live bacteria. Getting the sand from web site or LFS of course is a matter of which one has a better price or how fast you need to have it in your hands.



Originally posted by Benwildog
Just would like to know the pros and cons of setting up a deep sand bed or not. Also let me know around how much i would need, and if live sand is worth the price or not.

we just bought TRopical play sand from Home depot at about 4.99 for a 50lb bag. We will purchasing LS from a Local Guy about 2 lbs for about 5.00 . So in total we spent 25.00 for our LS. We had CC but we had ALOT of nitrate probs and just decided to change over. Now keep in mind not everyone can find the sand but I would check your local home depot if you are getting it just make sure it's "tropical play sand" and it has sku# 578-819.


Active Member

Originally posted by Sergeant
Is not really a waste. If you are setting up a new tank and want it to cicle faster then you pay extra for the live bacteria. Getting the sand from web site or LFS of course is a matter of which one has a better price or how fast you need to have it in your hands.

Hmmm i have cycled several tanks and your not going to really see any decrease in cycle time. I feel its a waste because the sand will develop the bacteria during the cycle process. The other problem is those bags u find at the stores have been around for awhile and odds are they are dead by the time u get it home.
Personally id suggest letting it cycle on its own then spend ur money of a dev. kit instead of on the ls.