Sand Bottems??Eggcrate or NOT!!


Just wondering if anyone uses the eggcreate with the mesh on top??? or do you just put the sand right on the bottom??? I'm settin up another reef and want to use sand instead of the
how do you all set up yours????? Thanks in advance for all answers!!!


I used finely crushed coral (sand) for the substrated in my tank. Just put it on the bottom. Make sure your are not using a silica sand b/c you will have a heap load of problems. Some people use 1 to 3 inches of sand. I put about 1 to 1 1/2 inches in my tank. It works quite well.


This is a great question for me to! what I do know is that with the egg crate and mesh bottom and live sand on top of that is the berlin method and works very well. And with two large protene skimmers in a sump is one of the most efective filtering systems. the reason for the egg crate is the space under the sand will house an arobic microbioligy [pardon the spelling] this is the way I want to go.