sand cleaner help


New Member
I have a 90 gal with major algae problem on my crushed coral floor. It is reddish in color and I can't keep it under control. What does anyone suggest to help clear it up?

nm reef

Active Member
Any idea what your current nitrate level is? When were your lights last changed out? How often and how much do you feed? Could you list your livestock? How long has your aquarium been established? Got any info on your filtration/circulation?
Also...with crushed coral substrates it is often advised to vaccum the bed on a regular basis to prevent waste from building you clean the crushed coral on a regular basis?:thinking:


Active Member
Yep I had this problem just after my tank cycled and before I added fish. I did 2 things.
1. PhosBan. You prob have a phosphate prob. Get a test and use it. But dont be supprised if it reads at or close to 0. All this algie is sucking it up. Dont forget water changes.
2. Clean up crew. I added:
snails (turbos and one really big mexican) I love the mexican.
emerald crab
sally light foot crab.
I think the crabs healped but I could actually watch the snails mow down the stuff. Espec the mexican. I had that algie all over the place and man they did a great job. Go ahead get a few extra. Whats a couple bucks in the fish tank. Take them back to the store when your done.
Did I mention that I love the mexican. He's huge...but quite the buldozer. I need to keep my eye on him and the corals. he can knock over the loose ones. But its alright cuz I like him.


Vacuum your cc every time you do a water change. Works for me. :D
ninjamini, aren't the Mexican snails a coldwater species? I've heard they slowly boil to death in the temps we usually keep our reefs at. :thinking: Maybe I'm mixing it up with something else?


Active Member
i had a red slime break out about 6 months ago and i used something called red slime remover it came in a lil blue box .... it was some yellow powder that u mixed with your saltwater and poured back into the tank....
it only took like 3-4 days and cured right up cost about 20 bucks for it though but worked good.... it was reef safe too!
i still get patches on my sand bed once in a while i think my phosphates are a lil high i just checked and they were at .2 nothing high but that seems to make algae grow