Sand cleaners versus sand sifters


New Member
I have a 210 gal reef tank that is just about a year old. Livestock and such so far consists of:
- 5 Blue-Green Chromis
- 1 Blackcap Basslet
- 5 Lyretail Anthias
- ! Coral Banded Shrimp
- 5 or 6 Peppermint Shrimp
- 1 Brown Brittle Star
- 1 Feather Duster
- Small Xenia patch
- Button Ployps
- small Torch Coral
- 1 Cynarina (button/meat coral)
- star polyps
- 1 Leather Coral (about 7" diameter)
- 1 Cabbage Coral
- -1 Small blue/white acropora
- 1 brown acropora
- a couple of stalks of Shaving Brush
- a couple of Emerald Crabs
- several blue and scarlet hermit crabs
- some mini hermit crabs
- several Nassarius, Cerith, and Tuebo Astrea snails
- 5 large Mexican Turbo snails
- 4" or so of aragonite substrate
- roughly 300 lbs of LR
Eventually, i will be adding a Naso Tang, a Yellow Tang, and probably another Tang (Sailfin or Kole maybe). That will probably be it for fish. Then I'll be adding more corals, and eventaually maybe a clam. I will soon be adding some Hawaiian Zebra Crabs, some more Astea snails, and probably some more Nassarius just to keep the sand stirred up
Now I am looking for something to keep the sand surface cleaned up. Not so much for stirring up the bed, not that stirring would not be good, but the snails and weekly vacuuming should help with that. But I am looking more for something to keep the brown stuff (diatoms?) from collecting on the surface in between weekly water changes. Also, something to clean up any ocassional cyano that may decide to start up. Eliminating the need to vacuum would be awesome, but is not really the goal here. I just want to keep th esand surface looking ceaen in between.
I have thought about a Diamond Goby (Valencienna puellaris), but want to make sure it would not decimate the sand bed of organiams the way a sand sifting star or horsehoe crab would. At least he shouldn't starve in this big of a tank. I have also started reading about spaghetti worms as an alternative. But I don''t much about them yet.
Any suggesitons out there? Any experience god or bad with spaghetti worms? If I go with the Diamond Goby, should I just surface vacuum the top and not do the normal inch or so into the bed?


Active Member
I've got 2 Engineer Gobies that do a number on my sand bed. (same size tank as you with a 5-6 inch sand bed)
The good is that they are constantly turning over the top couple of inches of sand. The bad is that they tend to bury rocks in the process. I don't have as many corals as you so can't comment on how that would affect them.