sand conversion question


tried this in the reef board hope to get more responses;
i ve been slowly converting my tank from a fo with fake plants,lace rock etc. to a a real reef tank. since november i've added approx 110 lbs of live rock, new skimmer,sump,powerheads.
the sand in it, my lfs called it reef sand, it was dry in the bag, size of say the salt that you get on a soft pretzel(quite large), i think it said carib a sea on the bag.
i'd like to switch to live sand, small sugar size. the question is where do i start? im thinkin of starting slow and maybe removing a cup of the old sand a day or two, to keep from causing,spikes,i.e. ammonia,nitrate.
im guessing,again,lol, the best thing to do is replace it with southdown, then seed it with a pound or two of live sand from my lfs to seed it. id like to get rid of my existing sand for two reasons. shortly after i set this tank up,almost a year ago,i got ich and was advised to use copper powr,then sea cure. now i know better but then i was a newbie. i used cuprasorb for 3 months to rid the copper before i put my LR and any inverts in my tank. i dont get any trace of copper and have done alright keeping inverts,but,i'd feel better knowing that that one time contaminated sand is out of there.
second is i dont like how the bigger grain looks(asthetically) versus the sugar sized.
i dont want to remove any of my live rock or fish through any of this process.
does any of this sound feasible,good idea,any suggestions,opinions?? thanks scott