Sand Dollars in tank!!!!


I was crussin around on the internet and found a website who is selling sand dollers. (Under the pic it says great for sifting sand) Does anybody have one in there tank and are they easy to take care of ect. Thanks in advance.


Active Member
I just purchased a tank yesterday from someone on and she had several sand dollars living in her sand. They are all alive and seem to be doing well... as far as the care for them I havent a clue :p


I'm intrested in this also. Anyone have info on if they are good tankmates and are they benificial or not. Also, what type of care do they require? I'll be going snorkling in the next month and will be able to "aquire" some. Of course the ones I remember catching are typicaly the size of a teacup plate (somewhat large). They mostly reside just under the sand surface as I would find them with my toes. They are usually are usualy brown like leather with lots of hairy bristtles.


Active Member
i have a sand dollar in my tank..hehe...loooooooong dead though...just in my tank for looks....i would LOOOOVE to have a life sand dollar....anyone know where you can buy them?


Active Member
Mine really dont move much.. I thought it was dead and then turned it over and there are a billion little hairs moving everywhere.


Generally, If they are white they are dead, Grey means thay are living, as far as purple ones, never seen those, Care should be no differant then starfish, i would think, But I could be wrong!


Active Member
Well I guess mine are more grayish to a almost brownish color. Kinda like the color of a horseshoe crab. I just know these ones are far from purple!


Active Member
Originally Posted by aggies50
I'll give yall a hint though. The web site has 2 words in it both starting with "A" .net

alcoholics :hilarious :hilarious :hilarious


Active Member
I looked and could not find them, can you please email me the website...
bergamerjones at hotmail dot com