Sand from the beach?


Can I go to the beach and take a bucket or sand and put it in my tank? I live on the beach and the idea of paying 25 for a bag of LS makes me cringe


all the toxins around shore wash up on the beach its like the oceans skimmer
motor oil sewage its a bad Idea


yeah not a good idea with the pollution levels what they are some places also have collection laws so if you still choose to go this way please check local laws to make sure that you can. I would deffinately advise against it though.
I'm not sure where you live but alot of beaches that have had major storms over the years and have had there beaches erode(spelling) have sand trucked in to replace what has washed out. I know Myrtle Beach has done this not sure who you would ask but it might be worth checking on


I live in Clearwater and our beach is constantly one fo the top 10 in the world.... I am not sure about my local laws but I would obviously check them before filling buckets of sand.
Could I "wash" the sand?


yeah but you would NEVER get everything out of it. thats the bad thing about it and the good thing because of the surface area its great for our tanks. bad because it can also hold pollution and contanimants on the beach.

florida joe

Well-Known Member
If you live on the beach and it is open to the public the water has to be tested every few days for contaminants. Check with your local fish and wildlife association. You can get a brake down of the testing they do. Here in Naples Fl it is far more extensive then I could ever do at home. I am not saying you should do as I have with my refug project (reef section). But in my case living in a city that prides its self on tourism I am comfortable with using off shore sand.


Joe that is a great point, I never thought about my local wildlife assocation doing tests on the H20 but of course they do! I looked in your "refugium project" but didnt find anything besides a short discussion about beach sand did I miss something?
I talked to a good LFS store that has been around since I was about 6 and they said beach sand shouldnt be a problem for tank and regium...


Originally Posted by florida joe
If you live on the beach and it is open to the public the water has to be tested every few days for contaminants. Check with your local fish and wildlife association. You can get a brake down of the testing they do. Here in Naples Fl it is far more extensive then I could ever do at home. I am not saying you should do as I have with my refug project (reef section). But in my case living in a city that prides its self on tourism I am comfortable with using off shore sand.
If only we all lived in Paradise

Joe, do you really think beach sand is safe? I don't live by the beach, I am just asking. Even if the water is, does that mean that the area surrounding the water would be as well? I am thinking about tourists on the beach and leaving, goodness knows what, behind. Do they test the skimmate coming in or do they go out a few hundred feet to test?

florida joe

Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by sepulatian
If only we all lived in Paradise

Joe, do you really think beach sand is safe? I don't live by the beach, I am just asking. Even if the water is, does that mean that the area surrounding the water would be as well? I am thinking about tourists on the beach and leaving, goodness knows what, behind. Do they test the skimmate coming in or do they go out a few hundred feet to test?
Sir Q how do you know its called paradise? I timed my building of my refug with off-season. There are miles of beach with no one on it. The samples the city tests are taken at the shoreline and at the sand bar 100 yards off shore. The off shore sand bar is where I collected my sand the abundance of fish and sand dwellers in the area lead me to believe it is safe. Sorry but I just trust mother nature more then some packaged sand which has been treated with supplements Also the stone crab and oyster industry in the gulf demands pristine water conditions, which mandate extensive testing


New Member
so, what's the difference from the sand down there in FL, vs the stuff we've got up here in Michigan. i had often wondered about this, myself.
not saying i'm going to do it, but enquiring minds want to know.
will playbox sand work? how about sand from the dunes?
if seeded with LS, will any sand work, provided it's not to fine?


Originally Posted by florida joe
Sir Q how do you know its called paradise? I timed my building of my refug with off-season. There are miles of beach with no one on it. The samples the city tests are taken at the shoreline and at the sand bar 100 yards off shore. The off shore sand bar is where I collected my sand the abundance of fish and sand dwellers in the area lead me to believe it is safe. Sorry but I just trust mother nature more then some packaged sand which has been treated with supplements Also the stone crab and oyster industry in the gulf demands pristine water conditions, which mandate extensive testing
Sounds good to me, I was just asking.


Originally Posted by florida joe
Sir Q how do you know its called paradise? I timed my building of my refug with off-season. There are miles of beach with no one on it. The samples the city tests are taken at the shoreline and at the sand bar 100 yards off shore. The off shore sand bar is where I collected my sand the abundance of fish and sand dwellers in the area lead me to believe it is safe. Sorry but I just trust mother nature more then some packaged sand which has been treated with supplements Also the stone crab and oyster industry in the gulf demands pristine water conditions, which mandate extensive testing
agreed, the UK now do simular to that of your local too test on shore line and test couple miles out. also even if there was pollution everyone know aftwer time the sea would filter it out and it will get washed away remember theres more sea then there is land.
if water at shoreline is good sand i good.
unfortunatly unless i want to brake the law at all my local beaches i can't collect the sand.
also sounds strange but remember sand comes from one place only. the sea so what your using is what your against lol.
and before anyone comments on my last bit there yes it! if it's not in the sea don't meen the sea dint put it there so na


Originally Posted by Saltysteele
so, what's the difference from the sand down there in FL, vs the stuff we've got up here in Michigan. i had often wondered about this, myself.
not saying i'm going to do it, but enquiring minds want to know.
will playbox sand work? how about sand from the dunes?
if seeded with LS, will any sand work, provided it's not to fine?
yeah you can use playbox sand....... if you want an algea bloom from hell to happen I can't remember the exact reason but LS id aragonite and playsand is silica based


Active Member
ou can get dry agragate sand on line for 30 lb for 22 bucks-google -Aragamax Sand - is cheaper then live sand and better then play sand.

florida joe

Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by Saltysteele
so, what's the difference from the sand down there in FL, vs the stuff we've got up here in Michigan. i had often wondered about this, myself.
not saying i'm going to do it, but enquiring minds want to know.
will playbox sand work? how about sand from the dunes?
if seeded with LS, will any sand work, provided it's not to fine?
I dont know I have never been to Michigan
I am talking about off shore sand
you want fine sand, it is called suger sand here