sand from the beach


New Member
Can I put sand from the beach in my tank? and if so how much can I put in at one time?
If I can put this sand in my tank how do I introduce it to the tank?If this is possible do I keep the sand in the container with the ocean water or do I just keep it dry? Can I put The sand on top of the crushed corial or do I need to take the crushed corial out?
46 gal bow front tank
fluval 304 filter
bac-pack skimmer
42lb marshall island rock
crushed corial
3 clowns
1 mimic tang
1yellow tang
1 purple dottieback
20 blue leg crabs
3 snails


It's generally not suggested to use beach sand, as there are too many pollutants in it that can harm your tank.

david s

since the beach is natures protien skimmer you may get some polutants I think ga. has southdown playsand check your home depot and yes definatly take out the crushed coral
i agree with shadow. It's just to dirty to put in your tank. i have a question for you though. I saw your tank specs and got some questions. i also have a 46 bow that currently has community freshwater fish. i really want to convert to salt, and my equipment almost completely matches yours. i have a fluval 304, i would have a bac-pac, and i would also add an additional powerhead to make 2 for circulation for corals (which i would add later on). so was wondering if your bac pac does a good job. how often do you clean it? and i was wondering what you put in your containers for the fluval. i was going to have two containers of media. what would you put in the third?


New Member
I have had great results with my CPR protien skimmer. I cleaning the holding cup about every 3 days. I also put 2 trays of media and 1 tray of active carbon on the bottom.