Sand Grass


OK, when i set my BC 29 up I had rock that grass on it.... it was from an extablished tank but it had grass. I scrub it off but it keeps growing back. is there anything that will eat it? so far hermits and snails dont touch it?
Is there anything good at keeping the sand mixed up in a nano? I have 45lbs of LR so that is not a lot space for a sand sifting star... and I dont want a fish that is going to make a mess and cover coral with sand. so, any suggestions?
Sounds like hair alge...u gotta get rid of will take over the whole tank.
If not that bad yet get turbo snails..also have water checked for phosphates.


i thought hair algea also but when i had a bought with it my hermits tore into it nd it was gone in no time...a pic would definately help us to id it.