Sand How Much?


I am going to get my 29 gal bio cube on wendsday and I was wanting to put about 4 inches of sand in it. but I was trying to figgure about how many lbs that would be. especially since its 30.00 for a 20 lb bag.I live in Mexico MO so its harder for us to get things so things here are EXPENCIVE most coral are 35.00 and up even for pollps. also is 35 lbs of rock ok to start? thanks for any advice!!! i will post pic when i get it up and running. i do have a sheet that tells all about the bio cubs and the stands i can scan and show all....if you want. thanks again guys


on this site, click on the live sand link, there is a calculater, that will tell you how much to get.


what is the demitions of your tank, i do it for, or make sure your useing internet explolyer, it wont work with firefox, or macx , and so on


hey it worked thanks!!! i was wondering if once like you get your lr in and your tank cycled is it possiable to add more sand later...will it hurt the tank or fish if you have any in it?


THAT IS AWSOME!! the funny thing is that you are using the same sand that i am planning on using!!!! do you like it? the fish look great and your lr is placed so well. i only hope mine looks as well as yours!!!