Sand in FOWLR


I have a 92 gallon bow front tank (looks like 1/4 of a circle). I currently have a crushed coral and dolomite base, 100lbs of base rock, 600GPH filter, 2 regal tangs, 2 true percs, and 1 false perc. I would like to purchase 100lbs of Live Fiji Rock in the near future and switch over to a sand bottom. My question is, do I need to purchase live sand, or can I just purchase real fine grit marine sand. I want my tank to look like the ocean in the bahamas, the real white real fine grit sand. I dont want to have to deal with live sand if I dont have to.


Active Member
i disagree you should not mix ls with cc, it is pointless,best bet is to remove the cc and go with ls


I'm in the same boat, only I've already made the decision to switch over to a DSB. I have 200 lbs. of Southdown sand and got rid of my bristle worm infested CC. The only thing I need to know is what do I do to prepare the sand to be used in my tank. I've transfered everything I could into a 30 gal temporary tank and all is well there. I'd like to bring the 70 gal. tank back in and begin setting it up this weekend, but I want to do everything right. I've got tons of patience, too.
So... what do I do with this sand? What's my first step? I've looked in the books that I have for the hobby and all three of them discuss undergravel filters and CC, but nada about sand. I appreciate any help. Thanks!
Shelly :)


Active Member
got it sorry for this non reading on my part,if you have lots of patience, i would just put the sand in (maybe rinse it a bit) let it settle and go from there


Thanks SOOOO much! That's exactly what I wanted to hear! I kind of assumed that since I wasn't subjecting any fishies to breathing the silty stuff that I would be okay with just adding it straight from the bag. I have some LR that I'll be taking from the temp. tank to help start the newly setup 70gal. tank. I also plan to get some Cycle to help with a "quick-pop." Only, this time I'll remember to put in in the fridge after I open it!
My next question is... how long should I wait before I add live sand to seed the Southdown? I heard that one of the lfs here had some great sand with tons of life in it and I can hardly wait (but I will if need be) to see what it's like. Does the tank need to fully cycle before I introduce that kind of sand? I DO want everything to live... So, what do you think?
Thanks for your thoughts...
Shelly :D