Sand & LS, how to seed properly?


New Member
How do you mix the LS in with the regular sand? Would you put a layer of LS on top of the rest or is there any benefit to mixing them together thoroughly?


I seeded my tank with 10 lbs live sand and all i did is made 2 piles and then covered it with the dry sand
doing this will let it eventually spread
i don't know if its the best method but its what i did


Just add the LS on top of the sand you have now. Let the bacteria spread by themselves. Stirring your old sand bed will probably kick up a lot of bad things that may have accumulated on it. If you don't want your tank to cloud take some tubing or pvc piping with a funnal and lower it right where you want the sand and just pour it in letting it go down the tube. It's what I did...worked great!