Sand not settled


Active Member
I changed my tank from cc to sand tonight, and the sand is not totaly settled yet. Can the fish be put back in the tank with the sand not totaly settled?


Staff member

Originally posted by smokinstarfish
What does this have to do with disease?

Excellent question! So I will tell you what it is has to do with disease.
Fish health is the most important factor in preventing fish disease, thus a tank that is in a less than ideal condition, can and will effect fish health causing disease.
I would wait until the dust settles with the tank. I would consider suspended sand particles in the water column to be less than ideal, as fish breath water. Sorta like us breathing in sand in a dust storm.
This is exactly why we MUST age our salt water. Salt needs to be throughly mixed and dissolved in the water before we add it to a tank that has living creatures. Undesolved salt even being more detrimental than sand.