I have 55g fowlr, on this message boards i read about too many people who have sand bed, i have crushed coral, what is the diference and what is better for fowlr (agressive setup)
i agree with the rest go with sand. i use it for looks and cause it doesn't get greenish brown like cc does. also its easier to be cleaned by many things like snails, starfish and sand shifting crabs which i reccomend due to there uniquness in the home aquarium.
I also recommend LS over CC :cheer: CC must be vacuumed and tends to be a nitrate factory. Do a search and read up on Deep Sand Beds (DSB) or even just Live Sand.
We will be switching out too very soon. The new tank we will set up will have sand. We vaccum the cc regularly. I don't like it anymore, plus I have read that problems can start to arise.
We have had it in our tank for 2 1/2 years w/o problems. (knock on wood) Kip gave some insturctions awhile back on the switch out. I will see if I can find it for you later. We heading to a xmas party soon and am running late. :santa: