Sand particle size for rays/ ray safety


I'm confused about sand particle size/grade. I just bought a 200g (82 x 24 x 24), and am thinking about (in a few months) adding a small yellow spotted skate along with my eel (and at least one future eel). I have about 2 inches of the finest sand I could find in the 90gal, which will be trasferred into the 200 atop the "new" sand. The sand in the 90 is actually pulverized coral, and it was powder-fine, expensive, and a PITA to rinse and let settle. It's very much "live". My question is: Can I put x amount of inches of normal Yardright or Old Castle or any fizz-tested (Cheap!!) sand underneath, and then add my live sand for the final one inch or so without any ill-affects on the skate? Is there a danger of the "normal" sand scratching their underbelly if there's an inch of the powder-fine on top? They don't actually dig down that deep, do they?
While I'm at it, I want to silicon some clear PVC pipe against the glass of the front and one side, running almost the length of the tank if it won't cause a dead spot/ filtration nightmare (opinions on that greatly appreciated!) and then put the sand on top of that, obviously. At either end would be an elbow PVC to the surface with a smallish LR formation to camoflage the PVC opening and make it look more natural. If the pipe is three inches (just throwing number out now) and I make sure there's at least an inch of sand bed on top of those pipes, the ray should be fine, right?
I'm fairly exploding to get this done, but trying very hard to be patient and think it through!


Active Member
i have EXTREMELY fine sand and my ray loves it. But i hate him at times because he makes AMESS of my sand when he buries himself, my ray goes down real deep actually, to the point where you literally can only see his eyes, nothign else!!
also befroe you do this figure out a good powerhead/closeloop system because thats the biggest challenge for me still with my sand because it is soo fine, and if you create swirls it blows your sand around EVERYWHERE....alsoput your live rock somehwere and love where you put it because when you want to move it around for change its an absolute NIGHTMARE~~!!
hope i helped


Your post is very helpful... but I can barely pay attention to it, because that pic is so damned CRAZY looking! I sit there and my eyes just keep wandering back to it... maybe to make sure it hasn't come through like in The Ring or something... ::nervous giggle::
From some of what I've read, the more bacteria that's in the sand, the less it will cause a sand storm (gets heavier), but I'm still afraid of putting too much of this powder-fine in there. It literally took two weeks to clear up/settle down. I can't be having zero visibility every time a ray wants to hide! If the Yard Rite etc doesn't actually HARM their bellies, I'm not going to spend a fortune on this powder and then another fortune on the migraine meds I'll need if it keeps clouding up! :hilarious I didn't really think they went very deep. I've only ever seen them "flutter" and stir up the sand to make it fall on top of them. That makes me worry. :notsure:


Active Member
I didn't really think they went very deep. I've only ever seen them "flutter" and stir up the sand to make it fall on top of them. That makes me worry.
your exactly right thats what they do,,but mine "flutters" pretty hard and as i said you literally have to search for his eyes to find him, most of the time you cant evan see his impression .. he goes ALOT deeper than this(this is an older pic) but you get the point. If i had it to do all over again i would have mixed some heavier stuff int here(which is till might do) but the ray absolutly LOVES how fine the sand is.. Also when the ray is buried for a few hours theres a thick layer of sand that will "settle" and stick to him so he swims around and shakes it all off(i wanna kill him) but it all clears up in about 5 minutes!!


LOL! That's a great pic! I love those little guys. :) I guess I'll use normal grained sand for the deepest part, and maybe buy one more bag of this powder stuff and let the hypthetical ray mix it if he wants- LOL! All this planning... and I am NOT a very patient person. Instant gratification, baby!
What do you think about the clear PVC pipes as eel burrows? Will those be safe for the ray? I'm overly-worried about scrapes on underbellies and whatnot... I've felt them at Sea World and they seemed very tender/fragile...


Active Member
mine actually has been getticg scatched somehow on the sharp live rock i beleive but he is fine and more active than ever.. the pipes will be fine for the ray but i would think you want the shite ones cause clar wont give him a feeling of "security" if you could still see him, plus eels are nearly blind and i dont think he would distinguish the clear pipe and thw water( just something to think about)