Sand question


After doing some rearranging of my 36g tank and with some rearranging help from my new engineer and bullet goby, i found a corner of the tank was exposed with no sand today. I want to add a few cups of sand and was wondering can I just buy a bag of live sand or do i need to get sand from an established tank. does it matter? My tank is about 14 months old and the bullet goby is a sand sifting feeder. any help would be appreciated
Hope to get pics up soon


i think if your tank is up and running in good standing for that long you'd be ok adding a few cups of any sand you want. I wouldn't ad any more than that just incase you get a small spike. But your system should be able to handle a few cups easy


Active Member
Did the gobies just move the sand away? If so, couldn't you just move it back?
In answer to your question, yes to live sand in a bag and yes to live sand from another tank.
This may be an ongoing event though. I have a gold strip maroon clown that loves his clear spot on the bottom of the tank and no matter how much sand I put there, he'll just clean it off until he reaches glass again.


im sure the gobies moved it away since i have some new dunes. I would move it back but one if the big dunes the engineer made into a home so i dont wanna disturb it.