Sand question


Wish I had found this site prior to starting my new aquarium but live and learn. I recently started a new reef aquarium after years away from the hoby. Going on what I knew I setup a pleneum with about 2 1/2 inches of crushed coral with a 1 1/2 inch top layer of Nature's Ocean Samoa pink sand. I was wondering if anyone out there has used this sand in order to establish a live sand bed in reef enviroment. Any coments bad or good are welcomed.

nm reef

Active Member
As a rule I've been pleased with the Natures Ocean products....I've used several 20 lb bags of the Live Sand...I've seen the somoa pink stuff but never used it.......was it Live Sand?
I've never used a plenium myself...but they seem to work if set up properly...just seems labor intesive to me....and with the crushed coral beneth your Natures Ocean you'll probably see the somoa sand sift lower and the crushed coral will be on top. Personally I prefer a DSB of assorted grain sizes(carib sea flor grade/oolitic/Natures Ocean LS)......folks use a lot of southdown aragonite sand but they don't sell the cheap stuff around here....:cool: