Sand Sifter


New Member
Hello from chilly(?) Miami.
I recently bought a white sand sifting star.
Later I read that these critters will desimate live sand and possibly corals. Is this so?
Does anyone have any horror stories I should know about? Please advise.
Thanx in advance;


the sand sifting stars eat the microfauna out of a dsb. as far as corals i dont think they are coral eaters but maby someone else could answer that for sure for you


i have one in my tank and it is awesome and has never hurt anything in my tank. He is just always sifting through my sand and eating what ever that is in it. I love this guy and am looing to get more of them
I asked someone at a store that just sells saltwater fish & they had quite a few of the sand sifters. According to him, he said as long as you have a protective layer on the sandbed, they wont harm anything. His main concern was them stirring up the bed & causing amonia and such.


Originally posted by tiggerBengal:
<strong>I asked someone at a store that just sells saltwater fish & they had quite a few of the sand sifters. According to him, he said as long as you have a protective layer on the sandbed, they wont harm anything. His main concern was them stirring up the bed & causing amonia and such.</strong><hr></blockquote>
Bah f0r ammonia! unless you have a masive die-off, ammonia is not in the equation. And if that happened, what would you care. Any thing loke you descibe sounds like a godsend to reef keping, however,


That's assuming (above) you have suficient bio filtratin; something equal to 2x the volume of your tank in filtering caopacvitt SHOULD have no problem.


I have 3 sand sifters and they've never bothered any of my coral. They are very cool critters who just go about their business.


I believe the original question was...will a sand sifting star hurt the live sand bed and corals.
Eating the corals would probably be obvious, but my question to those of you who have one do you know it's not depleting the microfauna of your LS??
I've never had one, but I'm assuming the star doesn't look like it's doing any harm (just going about it's business) WHILE it's eating all the microfauna in your sandbed.
Just a thought.


I'm not trying to argue with anybody, but the misinformation from LFS's is really pretty frustrating.
I'm not an expert but I'm fairly certain of a few things. There is no danger of releasing ammonia simply by stirring up the sand bed (I believe somebody mentioned this a few posts up). The danger of having a DSB and stirring it up is releasing hydrogen sulfide which is toxic. From what I understand, this has always been an issue with DSB's. However, although I've seen lots of posts warning of this...I don't remember ever hearing of a firsthand account (or horror story) from someone who's actually had it happen?
I'm also a little confused by the mention of a "protective layer"...protective layer of what?? Plastic? Substrate (perhaps a different substrate like cc)? Or was this a referrence to a plenum??
Just wondering, because if there IS a way to enjoy the benefits of a DSB and LS, AND not have to worry about hydrogen sulfide release...I'd love to hear about it (and employ it in the 180 I'm planning).