Sand Sifters

Can Anyone Tell Me A Good Sand Cleaning Crew?

I Have 2 Striped Legged Hermits
2 Blue Leged Hermits
1 Red Legged Hermits
2 Snails

star master

New Member
Sand sifting Stars, Sand sifting cucumbers, and Cleaner Clams all are excellent at Sand Siftitg. They are not to expensive on SWF either.

keith burn

Active Member
Sand sifting Stars, Sand sifting cucumbers, and Cleaner Clams all are excellent at Sand Siftitg.
All are good at what thay do but IMO you tank in not going to feed them.
A tank that new will not have the food for them now put them in after a year or so JMO.


i like fighting conchs, queen conchs and, the cleaner clam, as youll never see them eather

as with the last posted i agree i would wait for a sand cleaning crew till you have alot of stuff for them to eat
if your just wanting something to stir up the top of your sand then that would have to be the MAROON CLOWN

but a maroon clown needs to have eggcrates under your gravel or they will dig all the way to the bottom of your tank


Active Member
Wait, wait wait.
Many sand "sifting" critters are not good overall for your tank and sand bed.
Imho, the greatest sandbed cleaners are the thousands of tiny micro critters that come in quality live sand; Pods, tiny stars, tons of worms, etc. all are great scavengers. Many sand "sifting" creatures eat these, sterilize your sand bed, then starve in your tank.
Cucumbers are good, but be careful. A Cucumber death can be very toxic to your tank.
A variety of snails make great janitors. Nass. snails stir the top layer of your sand bed (they burrow under the sand to hide and come out at night or when they smell food) and feed on scraps, Cerith and Turbo snails eat algae. So a variety work well.
Get some quality, fresh live sand (can buy it from here) or get a cupfull from an established, healthy reef tank to jump start your sand bed.
As your tank matures a Brittle Star (not green) makes a nice addition.
Hermits can be good, but they tend to kill your snails.