Sand Sifting Crabs


Does anyone have these sand sifting crabs from SWF??? ( some people call them sand fleas ) I know that they are filter feeders..... but can they be put with a Coral Banded Shrimp & a peppermint??? I also purchased 2 sand sifting stars and the sandsifting snails. I had a friend tell me that the stars and the shrimps will eat the snails??? I can't imagine the stars eating them but maybe the CBS??


No, nuttns going to eat them. I have two. They are great at sifting through the sand. They can actually disappear under the sand in ess than a second. Your peppermints wont hurt anyone. CBS can be aggresive to some things but not the sand crabs.


they will be fine. Keep cal up, they molt a lot. get rid of the sand sifting stars, they are eating all you beneficial sand critters.